Councillors of Tubah Council have adopted the 2024 Administrative and Management Accounts of the council with a round of applause to the Mayor.
The councillors saluted the accounting documents and the quality of other documents placed at their disposal for deliberations.
The council budgeted 789.87 million for 2024 but realized 976.23 million for the said year.
The increment in the revenue of the council stems from some projects the council benefitted from and includes the HIMO project currently being executed from CCAST street to Katika junction at ENS street.
After a proper examination of the accounts by the Finance committee, it was presented to the plenary where all the 30 councillors present voted in favour of the accounts.
Quizzed on what the council achieved in 2024, Mayor Tanjong Martin said; "In 2024, we extended electricity, we extended water, we renovated classrooms. Our mortuary is almost finished. We push it up to the point that it's at finishing point now. We opened roads, constructed bridges and culverts. And we gave a lot of support to the needy. We supplied 200,000 cuttings of cassava to encourage garri production and cassava farming in Tubah." The Mayor said.
With birth certificates now free for new born babies, the council assisted young persons to get their court judgement as well as National identity cards. "We gave a lot of support to the issuance of birth certificates, National identity cards to those who did not have. We supported people living with disabilities with some crushes. To some, we paid hospital bills for their surgery.
For the youths, we offered some 168 children holiday jobs to work over a period of one month." Mayor Tanjong explained.
Tubah Council has been at the forefront in the collection and transformation of waste. To this end, the Mayor has been invited for an exchange in China. Tanjong Martin explains that this will be a turning point in the transformation of waste within the Municipality.
"I think Tubah Council is a lead council in the North West Region and almost Cameroon on the management of plastic waste and waste in general. Some of you here are a witness. At that time, we were illustrating how to separate waste at the level of the family and community and how to produce pavement blocks out of waste. That is one of the reasons why we have been invited to China, to learn how waste is transformed with modern equipment and how it functions. So we are going to acquire more knowledge. If you look in Tubah here, most of our roads are paved roads. We intend that in the years ahead, all our roads will be paved because it is more durable." Tanjong said.
The council is currently paving the CCAST street and the road behind Elissam Hotel in Bambili.
At the close of the adoption exercise, the council voted to incorporate 220 million Francs from the 2024 budget to the 2025 budget. Mayor Tanjong explained that the excess in revenue collected over revenue anticipated is due to the trust their partners have on them.
"When we are given a project to execute, we do it to the best of our ability. This has caused other partners to come to us because we produce results."
The Mayor will next travel to Dubai after China from the 7-9th April 2025.
Ndi Tsembom Elvis