
Reception of ID Cards after 48 Hours, a reality in Bamenda

ID Cards handed to first recipients 

The production and reception of the National Identity Card after 48 hours is now practicable in the North West Region.

A ceremony to formally handover the newly produced National Identity Cards after 48 hours has taken place in Bamenda, Wednesday 5th March 2025.

Speaking as he handed over the cards, Police Commissioner Yaya Mahonde, Head of the identification unit in the North West Region assured the population that delay in the production of the cards is a thing of the past and the cards will be available, 48 hours after production.

Yaya Mahonde, Police Commissioner, Head of Identification for the North West 

Quizzed if those in possession of the receipts will need to apply for a new one, the Police Commissioner reassured them that a different registration is not needed as the cards will be produced progressively.

Over the last seven years, obtaining a national ID has been very difficult. Cameroonians are forced to work with the ID Card receipt and carry out several extensions. 

One of the recipients speaking to The Observer 

It is even punishable by law to move in Cameroon without an identity card. The situation has become dire in the North West Region, wrecked by a socio-political crisis since 2016.

Some of the pioneer recipients in the North West extended their sincere appreciation and said "the process is not complicated. We simply did the application online, and when we came here, the process was very swift.

"I have gone for several years without the original of my ID Card. It is really relieving that I can finally say I have one." One of the recipients who wanted to stay anonymous said.

The difficulty in obtaining an ID Card became too worrisome that the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, addresses the issue on the 31st December 2024, saying the complications in getting one has been resolved and the process will be accelerated in 2025.

Other recipients 

The new copies of the National Identity card will last for 10 years and applicants must fulfill an registration at www.idcsm.cm


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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