
Tubah Municipality Launches Ecological Pavement of roads

Tanjong Martin, Mayor of Tubah 

The construction works on the 1050 KM ecological pavement from ENS street up to Agric road- Ndikum street- Pacific Street up to Government schools junction using the labour based approach (HIMO) has been launched. 

The project within the Tubah Municipality will see some 52 persons employed to carry out the day-to-day work.

As explained by experts from the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, the Labour Based Approach (HIMO) was selected for the project as a means of empowering the local economy as cash is transferred to the local population to carry out what contractors could have normally done.

Construction site

The workers are expected to be paid on a weekly basis and are encouraged to save for future investments. This as the experts further explained that 70 percent of those who must be employed should be unskilled workers and 30 percent skilled workers. This will lead to transfer of knowledge at the end of the project.

Tubah Mayor, Tanjong Martin explained that the agreement he has with the workers states that they will be paid after every two weeks. Initially, the council agreed to pay the workers a daily amount but with an exchange with the experts from Yaounde, it was corrected that the council should rather pay a performance amount. This means that  allocated work should go for a specific amount. No matter the duration, taken to do the work, the workers  will be paid the agreed amount. This will avoid laziness and will meet the project dateline. Field supervisors were charged to do a thorough follow-up so that workers don't rush over assigned tasks. 

The council was called upon to ensure that workers have protective gears all the time on the site to minimize risk as much as possible while a health check should be run on all the workers.

Initially signed on the 29th February 2024, the project was launched with works beginning on the 350 metres road from ENS street to CCAST street. The entire project will cost 317 million and will see the construction of gutters and the planting of ecological pavement blocks.

Mayor Tanjong gives directives 

Tanjong Martin further explained that the use of pavement blocks makes the road to last longer, it can easily be repaired and it is also cost effective as the council will also be using pavement blocks produced from plastic containers.

For a project to be considered as labour based, it must make use of local material, using the local population who must not be found more than 10 km away from the project site and using light tools.

The project is expected to be completed in two years time.


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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