
Bamenda II Council Approves 2024 Accounts, Calls for Enhanced Revenue Collection, institutes Municipal Policing

2024 Administrative Accounts Adopted 

Councillors of Bamenda II Council have voted at 100 percent the 2024 Administrative and Management Accounts of the council with a call for an increase in the revenue collection.

Meeting at the council premises Thursday 6th February 2025, the Administrative and Management Accounts were scrutinized, balanceing in income and expenditure at 984 million Francs.

Speaking as he presided over the session, the Mayor of Bamenda II Council, Chenwi Peter said the inability of his staff to access some neighbourhoods, no municipal police to enforce the collection of global tax, the inability of the council to control certain markers within the subdivision are some of the reasons for the low income.

Partial view of the Bamenda II Council Board

After deliberating, the councillors through their committee reports advocated for the re-opening of the Nitob Market and through a Deliberation, the rates to pay at the Mile 90 newly constructed market was fixed.

The councillors also adopted a resolution to establish the service of Municipal policing in the subdivisional council. This, the council says will go a long way to ensure order and revenue collection in the Municipality.

As regards the situation of dust within the Municipality, suggestions were tabled to include the watering of the streets to avert any health challenges.

Simon Emile Mooh, Mezam SDO (Middle)

Mezam SDO, Simon Emile Mooh explained that the council doesn't have the requisite resources to carry this out but pointed that during their forthcoming meeting with the officials of the World Bank, they will precipitate the commencement of the road works.

Topical amongst the items discussed was a wish from the councillors for an increase in the number of councillors from the current 31 to at least 41 and from two Deputy Mayors to four. This, they say is to match the increasing population of the Municipality that has moved from 160,000 people in 2005 to more than 400,000 today.

A situation which Mezam SDO advised cannot be handled by a council deliberation but meeting the competent services in Yaounde with such a file.

Chenwi Peter, Bamenda II Mayor 

Of the 984 million raised, 7.4 million Francs surplus was recorded in 2024 and has been incorporated into the 2025 budget. Projects such as the Mile 90 market, the advancement of the low cost housing in Ntambag, Supply of Medical equipment, construction of classrooms, bridges, boreholes, community halls were all realized in 2024.

The Administrative and Management Accounts session of the Bamenda II Council was preceded by an extraordinary session that saw the election of Madam Azah Victorine as the Second Deputy Mayor of the council.


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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