Security forces in Bamessing Ndop sub division, Ngoketunjia division of the restive North west region, The Horizon has learnt from reliably sources have reportedly intensify search for a suspected activist belonging to the now outlawed LGBT.
The young activist, whose name we got as Keti Ritaline Keneh, is believed to have fled the country in December 2024 after suffering some barbaric tortures and inhumane treatment from security forces deployed to the area. Hence, her parents force her into marriage at her tender age after discovering she was involved in activities of LGBT which remains banned in Cameroon and its followers if cought are tried under the dreaded anti-terrorism law.
Keti, a young lady who said she was introduced to the act after discovering that she has phobia for Men and because she was victim of rape during when she was kidnapped by arm separatists group in Bamessing which makes her interest for the male folks difficult.
Meanwhile Keti was doing petit trading in her native Bamessing and her business home was set ablaze by men in Military attire belive to be security forces for allegedly selling food to their belligerent the arm separatist group loyal to the secessionist movement.
Her father, Mr Keti Chia Martin, and mother Keti Elizabeth Geteh both killed as a result of the socio-political crisis
It should be noted that nearly a hundred Anglophones were also arrested in the wake of the crisis that began in December 2016.
It followers say the body is a non-violent organization with the motto "The force of argument, not the argument of force."
In January 2017, the regime of 92 year old Paul Biya through the ministry of territorial administration and decentralization banned the Southern Cameroons National Council SCNC and the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium.
Both groups, it should be pointed out, have overtly opposed what they term the marginalization of Anglophones and violations of the terms of union that brought British Southern Cameroons and French Cameroon together in 1961.
By Abendon Pascal Heitz