
Physically Challenged Person loses Taxi in Another Attack

Lewis a person living with mobility impairment 

Two cars have been burnt to ashes in Bamenda in the afternoon of Wednesday 20th November 2024.

One of the cars belonged to Levis, a physically challenged person who lives at the Sisia neighbourhood in Bamenda.

Speaking to The Observer after the attack, Lewis recounted that; "My source of livelihood has abruptly come to an end after I spent almost all my savings repairing this taxi." Lewis said.

In recounting how the incident happened, Lewis said "I carried an Ice Scream from Bambili to Ntarikon. On arriving Che street, we were greeted by heavy gunshots and one bullet shattered the back screen of my car. As I tried to navigate through the gunshots, I met another man standing in front of me with a gun." Lewis.

Remains of his taxi

He further narrates that the man shouted at him, "Peri you want show say weti" and as Lewis rushed out of the car, it was set ablazed with the Ice cream machine and another car that was pasisng by.

This recent attack on taxis in Bamenda adds to several other attacks around Che Street, Ntarikon and Sacred Heart junction in Bamenda that has seen no less than seven taxis burnt to ashes.

The burning to ashes of Lewis' taxis is the second for a person with physical disability and has left so many people questioning the raison d'etre.

Separatist fighters under the Ambazonian Defense Forces issued a ban on the circulation of yellow cabs preferring the circulation of taxis in blue and white.

Their actions have come under severe condemnation from taxi drivers syndicates across Bamenda.


Mokum Thomas

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