
Opposition Coalition in Cameroon! Is it time?

Akere Muna, endorsed by the Parti Univers 

Over the last six years, opinion leaders in Cameroon have been clamouring for a United opposition to challenge the ruling CPDM party.

The party of President Paul Biya has been in office since it's creation on the 24th March 1985 and is planted across the 58 Divisions and 360 subdivisions of Cameroon. 

With opposition political parties in disarray, a single party getting majority votes in any of the elections organized in Cameroon is almost a far-fetched dream.

While the leading opposition party the SDF has had its fortunes decline after every election organised in Cameroon, other parties like the CDU of Tomaino Ndam Njoya has continued its dominance  of the Noun Division likewise the National Union for Democracy and Progress, the UNDP of Maigari Bello Bouba who recorded resounding success during the last Regional council elections in the Adamawa. The PCRN of Hon Cabral Libi made an impressive outing during the 2020 twin elections in Cameroon.

While the SDF suffered a great loss in its stronghold of the North West Region winning just one council and two Parliamentary seats, the MRC of Maurice Kamto has not been tested when it comes to local elections.

Perhaps the electoral code that prohibits political parties not represented in the political strata in the country from competing in the presidential elections seems a curse to a candidate like Maurice Kamto and his MRC, it can just be a blessing ushering a time for a united Opposition.

Is it not true that the SDF recorded a massive 36% during the 1992 presidential elections because of the Union for change that brought together more than one political party to support the bid of Fru Ndi?

In February 2013, opposition political parties in Nigeria made up of the Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, the Congress for progressive change, CPC and the All Nigeria People's Party, ANPP alongside with a breakaway faction of the All progressive Grand Alliance formed the APC. Under Mohammadu Buhari, they secured their stay at Aso Rock from 2015 till date.

Maybe driven by the desire to unite, on the 28th September 2024, some political party leaders led by Prof Nkou Mvondo of the Parti Univers, the Union of the people of Cameroon, UPC and the Movement of Patriotism and People's Prosperity, MP3 endorsed Akere Muna as their candidate for 2025.

Backed by ace Journalist Eric Chinje, former SDF district chair, Godden Zama, human rights activist, Agbor Balla and the President of the UPC Habiba Issa, they have promised to work together to unseat whoever the CPDM will be presenting in 2025.

Though the initiative has been a welcomed one, those on the political chess board have criticized the calibre of people onboard. The criticism hinges on the fact that they are little known in the political arena and largely known in civil society.

But have many leaders like Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva of Brazil not rise to prominence either because of their civil society works or better still known because of their strong stance on labour rights? Current Senegalese Prime Minister, Ousman Sonko is a living example.

With elections slated for October 2025, maybe they have time to convince the Cameroonian people of the agenda they have for this country. Or maybe it is work in progress to convince other political parties to join the fold for a unique candidate.

While October 2025 is one year away, one thing is sure. A Divided opposition cannot unseat Biya.

This is Frank Talk on radio Hot Cocoa

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