
Maiden edition of National Teachers Award in Gestation

Kohtem Princewill Sambit, CEO of Build Ensemble

Public secondary and High school teachers are said to be beneficiaries of the maiden edition of the National Teachers Award in Cameroon.
The award organised by Civil Society Organisation, CSO, Build Ensemble has as aim to recognise the efforts of teachers and reassure them of their worth despite their difficulties.
The information was shared in a press release recently signed by the Executive Director of Build Ensemble, Kohtem Princewill Sambit, in which he highlighted that the choice of public secondary and high school teachers was because the award is a maiden edition and “we will not want to expand too much, but in subsequent editions we should include others, with the mastery of our activities”.
The release furthered that majority of teachers in public schools comply with current regulations. “This means that we can easily detect trained teachers”, while pointing out that they were not discrediting private teachers as untrained, “it is a sector that also opens its doors to competent graduates, although without formal teacher training” the release clarified.

Enter National Teachers Award

The release indicated that the selection of the best teacher will be done online through the CSO’s social media pages but however candidates will have to verify the eligibility criteria on its website and will need to be met before voting commences.
Three teachers will be selected without ranking or category across the national territory and combining all their disciplines. Worth noting that, each winner with take home a recognition prize of 1 million FCFA.
The event will be held in five phases beginning with the awareness phase which began in July 2024. This phase will consist of creating cognisance about the award through the various communication channels both traditional and social media throughout the campaign period.
Then will be the nomination phase which will span from September 1 to October 2, 2024, and during this period students will be expected to nominate the teachers they want to see awarded.

Voting will take place from October 2, during the celebration of the Teachers day till November 20, 2024. This phase will involve students voting for their teachers for free through the Build Ensemble Facebook page.

The selection phase will be carried out by Independent and impartial people selected from all works of life, who will sit as judges to evaluate the eligibility of the various nominees according to the established criteria. And this will take place from December 2024 to January 2025.

And finally the award ceremony proper will take place February 2025 with the exact date to be determined before December 2024. Meanwhile organisers assure that technological innovations have been put in place to ensure the event is befitting of its calibre.

About Build Ensemble

Build Ensemble is a Civil Society Organisation that has as objective to revolutionize the current education system, among other things, and they believe this can only be done by teachers and can be achieved only when they feel comfortable and understand that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

The CSO was inspired by the results of the General Certificate of Examination, GCE for the last three years which has not been good, and they believe the education system seems to be lacking something.

“We believe that this gap can be filled by teachers if they feel that their work is recognized” the press release explained. “For the country to develop we need well-educated youth from all industries, of course, only teachers can give us that” taking into consideration the fact that Cameroon is a developing country with 60% of its population being youth of educational age.

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