
Gratitude Overflows as Help For The Helpless Celebrates Miracle Healing of Young Marie-Anne's Eyes

The young Marie-Anne sees better after surgery 

The air was thick with emotion and praise as the congregation at Faith Ministry International Church in Ngie Quater -Bamenda, gathered to witness a truly remarkable occasion. It was a day of thanksgiving, as the "Help For The Helpless" association celebrated the successful eye surgery of their young Marie-Anne.

The service began with Pastor Njie Kingsley stepping up to the pulpit, his voice ringing out with conviction as he read from the book of Joshua: "And Joshua said unto all the people of Israel, … choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Josh. 24:2, 15). His words set the tone for the morning, a reminder of the unwavering faith that had brought the community to this moment.

Kouh Juliette Akuchu, CEO
of Help for the Helpless

As the service progressed, the entire family of little Marie-Anne, along with the members of Help For The Helpless, came forward to present their gifts of gratitude to the Lord. The presiding Pastor Njie sanctified these offerings, praying for continuous success and blessing upon the foundation that had so faithfully supported this young girl.

The thanksgiving service was a testament to the pledge made by Help For The Helpless Association just five weeks prior, at the Little way orphanage where Marie-Anne resides. The organization had committed to cover the full cost of her eye surgery - a staggering 400,000 XAF for both eyes.

Evangelist Kouh Juliette Akuchu, the CEO of Help For The Helpess, was visibly moved by the occasion. "Sixteen years ago, I had a revelation to save lives and meet the needs of the needy, the handicapped, the mentally and the physically disabled, without any prospection of where and how to go about it," she shared. "But I knew it was God talking to me. Today marks a great testimony as we stand here to celebrate this little angel, Marie-Anne. This light, I pledge to serve and carry on, providing for her every need, her well-being, and her education, until she completes university."

The congregation erupted in thunderous applause, their hearts swelling with gratitude for the miraculous healing and the unwavering commitment of the Help For The Helpless association. It was a poignant reminder of the biblical parable of the ten lepers, where only one returned to express his thanks to the one who had healed him.

Mafung Laura, Mother of Marie-Anne

The little angel chanted a song of praise in thanksgiving to her Lord. She sang, "You raise me, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas..." As the angelic voice carried the beautiful lyrics, the entire congregation joined her in a moment of goosebumps and resounding applause. The simple yet profound words of gratitude and exaltation filled the room, touching the hearts of all who heard the song of praise.

The mother of Marie-Anne Mafung Laura, expressed her bundle of joy, stating, "I'm not surprised by the miracle because I know and believe in God, and I trust in him. Ever since this situation, I believed a day like this would come. I pray God should keep strengthening Help For The Helpless association to keep doing the good work that they have been doing, so I thank God for answering my prayers through them."

The family of Marie-Anne and Hope For the Hopeless offer thanks to God 

As the service drew to a close, the air was thick with the sense of God's favor and the power of gratitude to transform lives. The Help For The Helpless association had not only provided for the physical needs of Marie-Anne but had also ignited a flame of hope and thanksgiving in the hearts of all who were present.

This was just the beginning, as the organization vowed to continue supporting many other cases in the community, calling on goodwill people to join them in their noble mission. The future looked bright, filled with the promise of more miracles and the unending gratitude of those whose lives had been touched by the unwavering compassion of Help For The Helpless.

Munya Charles Babila

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