
Bamenda: Army Rescue Unit Saves Kitchen Competition Factory


Fire emanating from the Kitchen Competition Factory, back view 

At about 7:30PM, Monday 19th August 2024, the roof of the factory of Kitchen Competition spices caught fire.

According to the guard on duty, the fire originated from an electrical fault. Causing the roof to immediately catch fire.

The fire spread rapidly towards the top floor where very little could be saved by the few people who were courageous to do so.

Workers of the company say they were informed on time and they rushed to the site to save bags of unground ginger and other ingredients used to make the various sachet spices sold to the population.

Bags of ginger saved from the incident 

For over one hour, the army rescue unit headed by Taku Paul answered present at the site and were able to contain the fire.

"The major difficulty we had in putting out the fire is the fact that there was a lot of pepper around the site. When we handled that, the hydra is not far from here so we could quickly get water. The fire has been contained. What we are doing now is monitoring and ensuring that it has been put out completely." Taku Paul told The Observer.

Remains of some factory usables and office furniture 

They was general wailing at the site as family members and friends of the CEO cried out their lungs. The Observer can confirm that one person collapsed at the scene. 

Kitchen Competition is a widely consumed spice in Bamenda, having a wide range of products in the market including liquid and solid pepper.

The fire incident at the factory adds to a plethora of fire outbreaks that have befallen Bamenda since the year started with the biggest at the Bamenda Main Market on February 22nd. 

Population assisting the elements of the army rescue team

This is the second Monday that a fire incident has been reported around the central Business District of Bamenda after some shops caught fire at Fon's street last Monday 12th August 2024.

The kitchen Competition Factory is situated Behind the Alizane hotel building, devil street Bamenda, behind the Commercial Avenue.



Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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