On Wednesday 20th December 2023, a ravaging fire outbreak consumed an entire apartment at the Ntambag neighbourhood in Bamenda.
The wild fire was difficult to contained as all the properties belonging to the eight occupants went off in flames.
As the neighbours tried that the fire doesn't spread across the neighbourhood, the army rescue unit came to save the entire quarter.
For four months now, the survivors of the fire incident have been trying to cope with life that has become increasingly difficult.
On Friday 12th April 2024, the humanitarian Common Initiative Group, Ntambag Brothers came to the aid of the victims.
The president of the humanitarian association Ndimbu Polycarp, expressed words of hope to the victims to let them know that the Ntambag Brother's Common Initiative Group got the sad news and couldn't just stay back without making an effort to support them in such a moment when they need assistance from the community at large.
"We assisted them with food stuffs, laundry and some financial assistance to ensure that they have something to depend on" Ndimbu Polycarp told The Observer.
One of the victims Ayafor Eric expressed on behalf of the entire victims, words of appreciation to the association enumerating the good humanitarian works the C.I.G has been doing in the Ntambag neighbourhood of Oldtown.
Ntambag Brothers are noted to have contributed enormously to the healthcare situation of the neighbourhood by carrying out regular free consultations, the equipment of the Ntambag integrated health Centre, the donation of didactic materials to school going children and the payment of tuition fees to the underprivileged.
Their activities have been saluted by all and sundry in the quarter and beyond.
By. Munya Charles Babila