It is not uncommon to find students of the university village in Bambili trekking early in the morning and late in the evening with containers in search of potable water.
The situation over the years has become dire with a tremendous increase in the number of students and staff.
Bambili, the locality that hosts the university of Bamenda, currently counts above 45,000 inhabitants with 25000 of these inhabitants schooling or working at the University of Bamenda.
This increase in the number of people has caused the community water scheme first established in 1981 to be inadequate to serve today's population with a steady supply.
It is for these reasons,that the Mbeligi Cultural and Development Association (MBECUDA) prioritized this water project for 2022 in view of increasing the quantity and quality of water supplied.
In a move to raise funds from the community to ensure that this project is carried out, Adangfung Eric, President General of MECUDA, says "this is happening at a time when streams are drying up" indicating that a new water scheme, huge storage tanks and varied water sources are needed as fast as possible to bring the situation under control.
The first phase of the fund raising launched under the slogan, "Water is Life, Water For all,Water By All", saw some 77 million Francs raised to finance the project.
The project is expected to be delivered within the shortest possible time with adequate finances being available. A boost to this is the fact that, pipelines are already existing in all the quarters that make up the village. Though, other storage tanks will be needed in quarters located significant distances away from the hills of Bambili.
Estimated to cost 600 million francs CFA, the raising of 77 million Francs means other fund raisers will be needed to close the gap between the estimated budget and the realized income
According to Mayor Tanjong of Tubah this project placed under the technical supervision of the Regional Delegation of Water resources and Energy, is being realized because of the prevailing peace in Bambili.
"I wish to urge other villages in Tubah to embrace peace and such development oriented projects shall be sent to their communities" Tanjong Martin said.
His words were corroborated by the SDO of Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh, who congratulated the Fon of Bambili and the Elite for ensuring a return to normalcy in the village which is today evident in the number of projects ongoing in the village.
As the project committee goes to work, the population of Bambili is advised to be on the alert as certain phases of the project will require manual labour where all and sundry will be needed.
Ndi Tsembom Elvis