
Day of an Africa Woman: Target Peace targets widows for peace promotion

A Cross section of Participants at the workshop 

Women, particularly in the African context have sometimes been relegated in decision making exercises even in issues which concerns them directly. In some cases some are maltreated and left wanting as a result of customs and tradition despite their importance and potentials which they, carry.

In commemoration of the Day of an African Woman 2021, a Non Governmental Organization known as Target Peace Saturday July 31, 2021, empowered some widows drawn from various works of life and ages, to be peace builders, considering their potentials and the role they play in the family and community as a whole.

This was organised under the theme "Widows; Build Peace, Target Peace and Defy Hate in Cameroon" under the program Widows Empowerment for peace building, targeting peace and fight against hate speech in Cameroon. The program seeks to Mobilise and empower 500 Widows to fight against hate, gender based violence, discrimination and sex crimes for a peaceful Cameroon. 

In an opening statement Amy Banda Youmbi, Founder and Chair of Target Peace "Getting hundreds of broken widows to participate equally, fully and effectively in peace building, political, economic, social and cultural life of the continent reassures us that we are building hate free nations"

The training was held in four regions of the country in the cities of Buea, Bamenda, Bafoussam and Douala during the time when the continent is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and the end of the 1st African Women’s Decade 2010 – 2020, on Grassroots Approach to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

At the end of the workshop, participating widows were taught how to produce coconut oil which can serve as a source of income generating activity. 

Sample production of Coconut oil 

Reacting shorty after the training, Boy Maureen one of the participant expressed her satisfaction and the timely nature of the training as well as how she will be able to bring peace from her home to the community as a whole. 

"I have now understood that widows are not the least persons in the society. They have a role to play in the society and should not feel left out   
What I have been able to learn today it will help me because most at times I am usually troubled but after this workshop I now know how to handle my worries. 
I have many friends who are widows and some who are not widows. The problem of peace is a general issue not just for widows so I will counsel them and make them know how they can go ahead and have a peaceful life." Boyo Maureen told The observer237.com

"Target Peace will continue to lead change via such intuitive, ingenious and timely concepts until our widows will one day according to the continental agenda for women to participate in all AU decision making be part of such platforms and events of AUC on Gender Equality and women empowerment create impact." Amy Banda hinted

The mission of Target Peace is in accordance with the vision of agenda 2063 continues to mobilise African women to build collective energy around a common agenda for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Africa’s Women’s Day is observed annually across the continent on 31 July and is a day earmarked to recognise and affirm the role of women’s organising in achieving the political freedom of Africa and advancing the social and economic status of women on the continent.
Africa’s Women’s Day was proclaimed as a day to be commemorated during the first conference of the Pan-African Women’s Organization (PAWO) which was held in July 1962 in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Anye Nde Nsoh

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