
NW Regional Assembly: After stormy debate, Councillors Adopt Budget

Prof Fru Angwafo III 

The budget for the North West Regional Assembly for 2021 is balance in income and expenditure at 3 Billion Francs CFA.

The budget was adopted after a lengthy debate, Wednesday June 2,2021 in Bamenda .

The councillors questioned why the adoption of the budget is being done without the adoption of the standing orders of the house. Others complained as to why the budget was presented to them just at the eve of the voting.

"The budget was presented to the Finance committee at the eve of this session, contravening section 386 sub 4 of Law No 2019/024 of the 24th December 2019 to institute the general code of regional and local authorities which states that the budget shall be prepared and controlled in a participatory manner to take into account the needs expressed and suggestions made by the population" councilor Weyang Joseph from Ngoketunjia remarked.

Members of the House of Chiefs

In response, Prof Fru Angwafo III, President of the North West Regional Assembly beacon on the house to note that 5 months of valuable time has been wasted and according to directives from the Ministry of Decentralisation, they needed to hold the session as quick as possible and not later than June 15th. 

And the session confirms with the law to summon an emergency session of the house. On the aspect of the timeline use in presenting the budget, he noted that the Finance committee had thoroughly worked on the document. An assertion accepted by the Questor of the house, Jude Waindim.

Members of the House of Divisional representatives 

The councillors also asked why the budget did not take into account micro project grants as part of the special status accorded to the region. Prof Fru Angwafo III reminded them that the Regional assembly is not a legislative organ. That when MPs will vote a bill to this effect, he shall quickly implement. He also assured the councillors that all has been done to ensure that they adequately represent their Divisions.

In a clarion call to the house, the Questor at the National assembly, Njingum Musa lamented that the budget is grossly insufficient and it is time for the council executives to work tirelessly to see that the constructive forces of the region come together to ensure that budget increases. The Honourable also solicited that the budget be voted and proper elaboration done for the next financial year.

Administration of the region 

The budget takes into consideration the social, economic, cultural, sports and educational framework of the region.

Prof Angwafo III appreciated the councillors for putting in place this budget which will permit him work with other stakeholders to bring meaningful development to the region.

The house will reconvene on June 3rd to put in place its standing orders


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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