
CAGEAD: Grassroot Ambassadors charged to take UN Peace resolutions to communities

It is no longer a secret that women suffer the most during times of conflicts. These women either lost sons or their daughters are raped

It is also intriguing that during the resolution of conflicts, women are relegated to the background. It is for this reason that the center for Advocacy, Gender Equality and Action for Development (CAGEAD) decided to empower 20 women and 10 men peace builders.

Drawing inspiration from the UN security resolution 1325 on peace and security adopted on the 31st October 2000, the resolution reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction and stresses the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance of and promotion of peace and security.

To help the peace builders better understand the resolution 1325, a hand book on grassroot Localisation of the UNSCR1325 to assist these women, which simplifies this resolution was also handed to the women.

Drawn from Bamenda I and III subdivisions, the women called upon to take the messages of peace to their communities where a ripple effect is needed to empower more women

Andiensa Clotilda, Founder of CAGEAD saluted the participants of this pilot phase and says this gives them an urge to continue in other communities
"More of the UNSCR1325 is being said than done. Reasons why CAGEAD has taken upon itself to localize the resolution by bringing it to the Grassroots through the simplification of the UNSCR document in a way that women and men at the Grassroots will understand what prevention, protection  means and what it means to participate in the process of recovery and rebuilding their communities"
One of the participants, Toh Sylvester appreciated the module used in this training
We have been empower with knowledge  with tools handed over to us to now move into our communities with confidence.We are going to involve the men and women and not work in seperation"

The host Mayor, Fonguh Cletus of Bamenda III lauded the initiative by saying that "if this initiative came earlier, Bamenda and the entire region would not have been in turmoil"

He further cautioned those trained those trained to ensure that the knowledge acquired reaches the grassroots as it is known that women have  a softer approach to issues and their voices can break bounds 
The women selected from all walks of life received end of course Attestation as they go to field to begin execution.


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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