
Kamto Scare: Undeclared gatherings prohibited in Mezam.

The Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam Division, Simon Emile Mooh, has followed the Governors of the Centre and Littoral Regions to lay down certain modalities prohibiting gatherings of persons without declaration in the division. 

In a communique dated Monday September 14, 2020, undeclared meetings and Public Manifestations in the division have been prohibited 

Obsevers see this as a move to stop the leader of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, Prof Maurice Kamto who had declared that in case Regional Elections are convened when the Anglophone crisis had not been resolved, Nation wide protests should take place

The leader of the MRC has been meeting with some opposition leaders in the country who hunger for a transition to pass across his message

The decision from Mezam SDO comes at a time when the peace of the division has been threatened with recurrent attacks. At least four killed around Nanga Junction and one at Ngomgham in the last one week. As a means to contain these attacks, operation "Bamenda Clean" was launched by the defense and security forces with some quarters finding it difficult to access the central business district 

The prohibition of gathering in Mezam which is to go into effect from the date of signature is largely seen as a move to puncture nationwide protests announced on September 22nd by Prof Maurice Kamto

Away from the Kamto threat, Mezam Division has been under scrutiny with a restriction on bikes 10-days ago by the SDO of Mezam and the City Mayor of Bamenda. This triggered a retaliation from separatist leaders abroad to place a haurled on vehicles. This clash paralyzed business activities in the greater part of the city. 

The North West Region had a low voters turnout at the February 9, 2020 twin elections largely won by the CPDM. A boycott from the opposition political parties will have little or no effect on the polls as CPDM won all but one council. Noted for party discipline, it will seem impossible for a different party to break through.


Anye Nde Nsoh

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