
Death of General Mad Dog: From "Hero" to Zero, Population recounts atrocities

Fonte Ndefru alias Mad Dog

Some residents of Bamenda have finally breathe a sigh of relief following the killing of Fonte Ndefru popularly known as General Mad Dog

They were speaking at the City Chemist roundabout were the corpse of the Fonte was left for hours for people to see

Nora, a resident of Ntamulung Quarter explained that her brother had to run away from Bamenda after threats from Fonte

"My brother had to close his business and run to Douala. Thank God he is now doing well. Lord thank you for this day" Nora exclaimed

"So yi too for fit die?" A passerby shouted in pidgin English

Fonte Ndefru is believed to have masterminded several robbery attacks and assassinations in Bamenda. Beating people, seizing goods and property and forcing others to flee

General Nka Valere speaking to the Press

The killing of Treasure that made rounds on social media and the Killing of Bikolo, a police inspector on patrol forced General Nka Valere to setup a special squadron to hunt him down. A bet was placed on his head and the soldiers given a maximum of one week to deliver him dead or alive

"For the last five years, that criminal and terrorist has killed more than 100 people, both men and women, civilians, and members of the defense and security forces" General Nka told the media

"We are celebrating the death of a very famous and notorious terrorist. He was head of all the atrocities carried out in Bamenda. They killed a personnel of the Firefighting brigade, an inspector of police and Treasure. We are out to clean Bamenda and we will do so"

Liveliness body of Fonte displayed at the City Chemist with his gun, phones and ID Card

The death of Fonte Ndefru sparked wild celebrations in some quarters in Bamenda, jubilating an end to terror to some people

Two bullet wounds could be spotted on his chest and leg

It is not particularly clear where he was killed before his corpse was deposited at the Bamenda City chemist roundabout

The visit to the site by Generals Nka Valere and Ekongwese Divine served as an opportunity for them to remind the population to stop respecting calls for ghost towns and lockdowns imposed by separatist leaders abroad. They also send a strong message to bike riders

"Bike riders must respect the decision taken by the city Mayor not to circulate in the City centre. We are going to make sure the decision is strictly respected" General Nka concluded

The death of General Mad Dog brings to two, the number of Ambazonian Generals killed in two weeks. General Song was killed and buried in Alakuma two weeks ago


Ndi Tsembom Elvis

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